Stressful times. Yep. Exams is round the corner and.. im stressed. Damn. I guess this is really the first time im working so hard for exams. Reviewing the qs, redo the calculations, making sure no careless mistakes, etc. hai...

See!!! I wonder y did i take biz finance. It's like digging my own grave.. man...
Help... Somebody save me... *drown in studying*
Oh ya. Not fogetting.. Im gonna do reservist again!! Probably have hit the record of serving the nation 3 times in a year! First it was in camp 18 days... followed by 4 days (IPPT & Shooting) and... another 12 days operation in july!!! Err.. Can they employ more ppl to slacken us? I had enough call ups. Anymore i will be jobless soon. Man..